Yesterday, the day before Easter, a fierce West wind kicked up and brought in a cold front. We had places to go and people to see, a big trip to the city for a potluck/class reunion of sorts, complete with live music. On the way, we hit a couple of Goodwill stores, both of which were having a "spin the wheel" discount day. In one store, we got 25% off, and in the second, we got 40% off! Woo hoo! That was very cool, as I found some of my favorite things. A great Pyrex bowl, a Tazo tea pot in my favorite color (yellow), one of those pumpkin hats (already hand knit in wool), and some yarn! The yarn included an array of wool needlepoint yarn, some cotton, several balls of Rowan (!), and even some Shetland wool! Oh! And a brand new pair of overalls!

How about that?
The party was nice... live jazz music, good food, nice people, wonderful weather, ample knitting time. We got home late and unwound until unreasonably late (for me, anyway... 2:30 am), then had an Easter brunch feast and egg hunt. After brunch, it was time to head out to the garden. The weather was perfect for planting. Hubby focused on peas and oats, I focused on onions. While outside, I observed the effects of the high West winds yesterday. It blew stuff around all over the garden shed, knocked over my bee hives (not currently in use, thankfully), and caused a bunch of dead branches to fall in the yard.

As I cleaned up the mess and reordered the strewn about items, I kept thinking, "Happy Wester!"

Tomorrow it's supposed to rain, so there should be time to finish the taxes, start some more seeds, finish laundry, and play catch up. That's the challenge during this time of year: trying to stay current on all the regular chores while making time for soil prep, seed starting, and planting. I had a lot more I wanted to say this Easter evening! For now, I will leave you with some photos of our Goodwill treasures and get back to my tasks at hand...
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